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Ban on the sale of alcohol in South Africa-President Cyril Ramaphosa

It triggered the citizens when it was announced that alcohol sales will be restricted. South Africa will remain under lockdown level 3, but a number of the restrictions — including the ban on the sale of alcohol and the restrictions on worship — have been eased.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Monday night that a decline in the number of new cases meant the country could begin to ease some of the restrictions.

Among the changes were: Curfew has been shorted, and will now run from 11 pm to 4 am. Establishments that people use, whether for entertainment or otherwise, will be expected to close by 10 pm to allow staff and customers to get home before the start of curfew;

– Faith-based gatherings will be allowed, but only to a maximum of 50 people for indoor events and 100 for outdoors events;
– Public places like beaches, dams, rivers, parks, and public swimming pools will be reopened; and
– Restrictions on the sales of alcohol will be eased, allowing licensed establishments to sell for off-site consumption from Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm, and licenses establishment for on-site consumption any day of the week from 10 am to 10 pm.

“These changes have been made possible by the significant reduction in Covid-19 hospital admissions across all provinces, reducing the pressure on beds and hospital personnel,” said Ramaphosa.

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