Obaland Magazine

Bobrisky Advocates for Lawfulness Following Release from Prison*

On August 6, 2024, the well-known figure in Nigeria’s entertainment scene, Idris Okuneye, popularly known as Bobrisky, emerged from the Kirikiri Correctional Centre, where he had been incarcerated for six months. His release was a result of a conviction for naira abuse, specifically for the act of spraying currency at public events, which is considered a violation of Nigeria’s monetary policies.
Upon his release, Bobrisky took the opportunity to address his fans and the public with a strong message emphasizing the importance of adhering to the law. In a candid interview with GoldMyneTV, he stated, “Follow the rules, abide by the law. Don’t spray money, unless you’ll be a landlord inside Kirikiri.” His remarks serve as a cautionary tale, highlighting the potential consequences of seemingly harmless actions.
The crossdresser, who has garnered both fame and controversy throughout his career, reflected on his time in prison, asserting that even minor infractions can lead to severe repercussions. “It’s not just about killing or any criminal activity; something light like this can take you there,” he added. Bobrisky expressed his gratitude for the support he received from his friends during his incarceration, stating, “I’m only focusing on my friends who were there for me, and I’m grateful. I’m not thinking about any other person.”
To celebrate his newfound freedom, Bobrisky hosted a release party shortly after his release, showcasing his resilience and ability to bounce back from adversity. Videos of the event quickly circulated online, drawing attention and reactions from fans and onlookers.
Bobrisky’s legal troubles began when he was sentenced on April 12, 2024, for abusing the naira, an offense that sparked widespread debate about the implications of currency misuse in Nigeria. During his court appearance, he made an emotional plea to the judge, requesting a second chance to use his platform for positive influence. “My Lord, I wish that you could give me a second chance to use my platform to inform and educate my followers about spraying money. I will do a video on my page and I will educate people about spraying money. I will not repeat this, My Lord. I regret my actions, My Lord,” he stated, demonstrating a desire to turn his experience into a learning opportunity for others.
During his time at Kirikiri, Bobrisky was treated like any other inmate. An official from the correctional facility, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, revealed that Bobrisky underwent a standard examination upon admission. The results indicated no surgical alterations to his gender or genitalia, confirming his biological male status. The official explained, “Every inmate brought into a facility during admission is examined. He was equally examined and no realignment of gender or genital organ was discovered. The male biological features were the same.”
After the examination, Bobrisky was assigned a cell and shared space with other inmates, akin to a boarding school environment where personal belongings are allocated by a housemaster.Bobrisky Advocates for Lawfulness Following Release from Prison*
As Bobrisky reintegrates into society, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of compliance with legal statutes, particularly regarding financial conduct. His journey from incarceration to advocacy highlights the potential for personal growth and the power of influence in shaping public attitudes.
In conclusion, Bobrisky’s experience underscores the broader conversation surrounding the laws governing currency use in Nigeria and the responsibilities of public figures to set positive examples for their followers. As he moves forward, his commitment to educating others about lawful practices could pave the way for a more informed community.
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