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Edo 2024: NCAA express displeasure over the gross underrepresentation of women as governorship candidates of the political parties.

The Coordinator of the National Coalition On Affirmative Action, NCAA, Hon. Dr. Florence Gbinigie (JP) and other Non Governmental Organizations, NGOs have expressed their dissatisfaction with the political parties in the emergence of their governorship and deputy candidates in the 2024 forth coming election in September 21, 2024 in Edo state.

According to them, “this kind of action is a gross neglect and disregard for the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discriminations Against Women (CEDAW), a United Nation’s treaty / document which Nigeria is a signatory. Also the “Gender Policy for Women” of the federal government and that of the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC, were not considered relevant in their actions. This is grossly unacceptable.”

In a statement issued by Hon. Florence Gbinigie who is also the President of Forum of Nigerian Women in Politics FONWIP noted that out of 17 political parties, only one woman emerged as a governorship candidate, which is not impressive, if we must promote equitable distribution of socio-economic opportunities needed to engender an inclusive society.

Furthermore, they reiterated that the women folks have distinguished themselves through outstanding contributions to societal development in both public and private sectors. Therefore they demand the need for their acceleration in the political arena as well through political empowerment.

They said, if more women are nominated and elected by the political parties to be their flag bearers in the election, it will further enhance an all-inclusive society needed for the advancement and development of the potentials of women and the society in general.

They emphasized the need for gender equity and noted that in the efforts to build an inclusive society, the potentials and contributions of all, irrespective of the gender should be recognized.

While pointing out that one woman out of seventeen candidates in the governorship election is a very poor percentage of representation. The statement acknowledged that progress has been made by female focused organizations in enabling women to realize their full potentials in other areas but noted that in the politics, a lot still needs to be done due to the uncooperative and support of the male gender who have dominated the socio-political and economic arena for decades.

“Election is less than five months away and we advise that campaigns should be based on issues, what the candidates have done and what they want to do for the development of Edo state and the people after elected into office, particularly the women folks. We need to know how they intend to bring the dividends of democracy to the populace.
“We hereby reiterate that we need their support and that of the law makers at, all levels to support and include the ” Five Gender Bills” into our constitution and pass the pending “Gender and Equal Opportunity Bill,” into law. They added.

Others who signed the statement are Barr. Agatha Osieke (AICMC) Women Youths and Children Advancement Program WOYCAP
Grace Ese Obakina, Caring Heart Initiative For Advocacy Development And Empowerment. Adodo Joy, Foundation Builders, katherine .D. Ochulor , Business and Professional women Edo State (BPW), Violet Olumese Esq.
International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nig. Edo State, Chief Ijeoma Ekweozoh, Chief Responsibility Officer,
Initiative for Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women and Children (I SEE Women and Children), Onome Otueroro
Executive Director, Christabel Otueroro Foundation and Dr. Margaret Abikwi, African Women Empowerment Guild (AWEG)

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