The FP Entertainment, Lahor Music Worldwide, Nosa Productions, and DaddyRich Productions are collaborating to present the Edo Music Festival and Awards 2024, set to take place in Benin City at the Victor Uwaifo Creative Hub & Sound Stage on Airport Road. The event kicks off at 7 pm and will be hosted by MC Casino.
Tickets for the event vary, with regular tickets available at the stage and VIP tickets offering table options for groups of 8 or 6. VIP tickets come with different price points and benefits, ranging from free entry to exclusive perks.
The event features a lineup of notable artists including Esther E. Ebagua (Lady of Songs), Akobe the Oracle, Dr.
For additional information, interested attendees can contact the provided phone numbers. The venue, Victor Uwaifo Creative Hub & Sound Stage, is located on Airport Road in Benin City. The festival promises an entertaining night with a diverse range of musical performances and awards, making it a noteworthy event in the Edo music scene.