Obaland Magazine

European leaders also condemned the military movements in Bolivia.

has successfully thwart general, stormed the government palace in La Paz the Great House of the People and organizing against the coup. Flanked that they could not allow attempted cou for the support of the people.

Other members of Arce’sEuropean leaders also condemned the military movements in Bolivia. administrationhuanca, denounced the coup attempt social media Sosa Lunda, claimed that some army democracy, peace, and national security, who was Bolivia’s first president of Indigenous descent, also joined the and block roads to the recently sacked army commander, Gen José Z.

As television footage showed masked into the Palacio Quemado, the head of Bolivia’s army confirmed that Arce remained president “for the time being.” However, as the hours passed, Arce seemed to regain control. He confronted Zúñiga as he the palace and instructed him to stand down his troops.

Later in the afternoon, Arce appointed a new military high command, and reports indicated that troops and armored vehicles were from Plaza Murillo in La Paz’s historic center, where the rebellion had takenThe new army chief, José Wilson Sánchez Velásquez, appeared on state television alongside Arce and ordered the troops who had taken to the streets to return to their barracks. As he spoke, the president’s supporters chanted in support of democracy.

By evening, reports emerged that Zúñiga had been detained on suspicion of terrorism and armed uprising. The situation in Bolivia remains tense, with general elections scheduled for 2025 and political uncertainty looming.

Latin American leaders from various political spectrums condemned the attempted coup. Mexico’s left-wing president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, denounced the attack on democracy and expressed her unconditional support for President Luís Arce and the Bolivian people. Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro, urged Bolivians to defend their democracy and constitution, while Brazil’s government convened an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis.

European leaders also condemned the military movements in Bolivia. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called for democracy and the rule of law to be

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