Obaland Magazine

Fake soldier arrested for dressing in friend’s military uniform

A man identified as Abdulazizi Abdulwasiu has been apprehended in Lagos State for impersonating a soldier. Abdulwasiu was caught wearing his friend’s complete army camouflage uniform while riding an unregistered motorcycle in the Ajangbadi area of the state. The incident occurred on Jinadu Street, where policemen from the Ilemba Hausa Division were on surveillance patrol.Fake soldier arrested for dressing in friend’s military uniform

When Abdulwasiu noticed the police presence, he abandoned his motorcycle and attempted to escape on foot. However, the vigilant officers quickly pursued and apprehended him on June 14, 2024. During interrogation, Abdulwasiu confessed that the military uniform belonged to his friend, who is currently serving as a soldier in Borno State.

The arrest was confirmed by Benjamin Hundeyin, the Police Public Relations Officer for the state. He stated that an investigation into the case has been initiated by the command.

Impersonating a soldier is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of the military and poses a security risk. The Nigerian Army and other security agencies work diligently to maintain law and order, and cases of impersonation are taken very seriously.

It is important for the public to be aware of such fraudulent activities and report any suspicious individuals who may be impersonating military personnel. The Nigerian Army and the police are committed to ensuring the safety and security of the citizens, and cooperation from the public is crucial in achieving this goal.

Impersonation cases like this serve as a reminder for everyone to be vigilant and cautious. It is essential to verify the authenticity of individuals claiming to be military personnel or any other official authority. The security agencies will continue to work tirelessly to apprehend and prosecute those who engage in such illegal activities to maintain the integrity of the military and ensure public safety.

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