Obaland Magazine

In Edo South, Dr. Loretta Free Health Outreach began.

The Dr Loretta Free Health Outreach program was inaugurated in the Edo South region of Edo State, which encompasses the entire Benin Metropolis. The current date is June 17th and the specific site is the Overcomers Family Assembly Cathedral, situated along Upper Sokponba Road, Oka, Benin City.
Upon arrival at the church arena, the esteemed doctor proceeded to address the church congregation, formally introducing herself and her project to the attendees.

Subsequently, the speaker’s spouse delivered a concise discourse on health during which he expounded on the significance of lifestyle decisions and the importance of conducting routine self-examinations to the congregation. Additionally, he disseminated anecdotes and copies to the attendees, and his discourse was favourably received by the assembly.

The Dr Loretta Free Health Outreach

The outreach program and complimentary health screening commenced organised at a predetermined site within the church, with the attendees grouped into sets of five.
Several individuals from the congregation and clergy provided feedback, confirming their prior involvement in similar events and expressing appreciation towards Dr Loretta and her team for their commendable efforts.

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