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Italy reformed Immigration Laws, Overhauling Right-Rebecca

Immigrants in italy

It was revealed to Obalnd Magazine that the Italian government has revised its laws to ensure greater protection for illegal migrants and refugees. The move has been denounced by right-wing former interior minister Matteo Salvini who toughened anti-migrant laws when in power, according to                                       (Rebecca Ann Hughes) who write about current affairs and traveling in Italy.

She continues by saying, easing of rules now means that aid groups helping illegal migrants ashore in Italy can expect lighter fines (up to €50,000 compared to €1 million previously) if their activity is in violation of official orders. Charity boats acting in accordance with maritime law and in collaboration with authorities will no longer receive fines.

Migrants themselves will see greater humanitarian protection. They will not be forced to return home if that constitutes a risk of violent or inhumane treatment. The new decree also makes the process of applying for work permits easier, allowing migrants with residency permits to convert them into work visas. In addition, the revised policies have reduced the time required for applying for Italian citizenship from four years to three.

The changes soften the anti-immigration policies that were imposed by right-wing League leader Matteo Salvini during his 14 months in office. His “Italians first” laws, known as the “Salvini decrees”, imposed heavy fines on migrant rescue boats attempting to dock in Italy and eliminated the two-year residency permits for asylum seekers. Under his government, the asylum was only granted to those in danger of being tortured if they returned to their home country.

Salvini is currently on trial over migrant kidnapping charges when, as interior minister, he did not allow 132 migrants to land on Italian soil, instead of keeping them on board for five days.

In response to the new legislation, Salvini tweeted, “The government is opening doors and ports to illegal migrants. Italy deserves better.”

The new policies are in line with the current government’s pledge to revise the immigration decrees of Salvini’s government. “The propaganda/Salvini decrees are no more,” tweeted Nicola Zingaretti, leader of the Democratic Party, part of the coalition government. “We want a more humane and safe Italy.”

Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri tweeted, “The Council of Ministers has approved the immigration decree. Finally, the Salvini decrees have been overturned and work is being done on healthy integration, respecting human rights. Security and hospitality are not incompatible but are two fundamental values ​​to be defended.”

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