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Nigeria at age 60, we are still living in the dark—Nathanael Esele

Meet one of Nigerian youth Nathanael Esele has come out to speak about the ongoing protest that Now we see the reasons why the truth is bitter we have lost many vibrant youths to the so-called military campaigns and wasting lives of future presidents and resourceful youths.
He explained that the same elder statesmen are silent in their houses and a common military personality who is called to serve is the masses fires at a Nigeria flag a symbol of our identity.
Esele revealed that Nigeria is on fire firstly it was wrong to speak of the Nigeria youth as lazy now I will ask a question are they ready for the force that is to come with all these actions of brutality once a youth dies a dream dies a door closes the next election we are waiting for you all you can’t kill all of the youth learn from the past how many assassinations death threats etc the youth are leaders of tomorrow no Good school road embezzlement of the highest order I pray whatever evil they wish the youth of this country it shall fall on their generation anyone involved even if you are an oracle I don’t care.

He concluded that where are the wizards and the witches the kings of the sea and queens of the sea its time to uses your powers to good use because these mortals think they Are gods now God will pronounce judgment no man can stop and it is starting with all the strong men no one will escape enough is enough at this time and age what a shame 60 year of backwardness

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