Obaland Magazine

Nursing mother stranded in hospital, alleges husband diverted medical fund

A new mother, Susan Ubangha, has reached out for help after experiencing a deteriorating health condition following the birth of her child at Alimosho General Hospital in Lagos State. She alleges that her husband used the money intended for her medical bills to purchase a phone and a dog.

Ubangha shared her story on social media, stating that her health problems began weeks before giving birth when she started experiencing severe shortness of breath. She claims that her husband refused to pay for her hospital bills and opposed a caesarean section due to financial constraints. Despite the doctors’ recommendation for a caesarean section, her husband insisted that she deliver naturally. Ubangha was eventually admitted to the hospital and placed on oxygen. After showing signs of improvement, her husband insisted on her discharge against the doctor’s advice. However, once she returned home,

Nursing mother stranded in hospital, alleges husband diverted medical fundshe experienced breathing difficulties again. Her husband then bought a herbal drink to try to induce a natural delivery. Ubangha consumed the drink, but it only intensified her pain. She was eventually rushed back to the hospital and admitted once more. Ubangha alleges that her husband squandered the money she sent him for her surgery and other expenses on a phone and a dog. She had to reach out to a kind stranger on Facebook who sent her 500k to cover the cost of the caesarean section. Ubangha eventually gave birth via caesarean section but claims that her husband has abandoned her and left her with their newborn baby and her elderly mother at the hospital. She is now in a desperate situation, having spent all her money on medical bills and food, and is appealing to the public for assistance. Ubangha needs financial help for her ongoing treatment and to facilitate her discharge from the hospital.

She has been diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy and has undergone various tests to determine the best course of treatment. The hospital has been unreachable, and Ubangha’s attempts to contact them have been unsuccessful. She is hoping for support from the public to save her and her baby.

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