Obaland Magazine

University of Ibadan Students Protest 10-Hour Electricity Rationing and Tuition Hike


Students of the University of Ibadan took to the streets on Wednesday to express their dissatisfaction with the recent policies implemented by the university management. The students were particularly angered by the announcement of a 10-hour electricity rationing schedule on campus and a significant increase in tuition fees.

The protest, which began on Tuesday and continued into Wednesday, saw students carrying placards and demanding a reversal of the new policies. They argued that the rationing of electricity and the introduction of what they deemed “outrageous fees” were unjust and inconsiderate.

According to an internal memo addressed to the Chief Engineer (Electrical) by the Director of Works and Maintenance Department, O.A Adetolu, the new electricity schedule was to be implemented immediately. The memo stated that electricity would be available to students for 10 hours daily, from 8 am to 2 pm during the day, and from 10 pm to 2 am at night.

The Students’ Union President, Aweda Bolaji, expressed his dissatisfaction with the management’s actions in a voice clip obtained by our correspondent. He described the policies as unsatisfactory and called them an “inconsiderate action.” Bolaji urged all students to join the peaceful demonstration against the perceived injustice inflicted by both the government and the university management.

In a later statement, Bolaji demanded the reversal of the new electricity schedule and the tuition increment. He declared that there would be no lectures or transportation within the school premises on July 17, 2024, and called for a mass action starting from 5 am on that day. The Students’ Union officials pledged their full support and resources, including the Aluta Jet and Public Address System, to mobilize students for the protest.University of Ibadan Students Protest 10-Hour Electricity Rationing and Tuition Hike

Bolaji further demanded a total reversal of all fees, not just a reduction, and insisted that those who had already paid should be refunded. He also condemned the victimization of three students who had participated in a peaceful protest on May 13, 2024, and called for an end to their mistreatment.

The protest by University of Ibadan students reflects their strong opposition to the recent changes implemented by the university management. The students believe that the rationing of electricity and the hike in tuition fees are unfair and burdensome. They are determined to make their voices heard and demand a reconsideration of these policies.

The university authorities have yet to respond to the students’ demands. The protest remains ongoing as students continue to express their grievances and fight for their rights.

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